I wish I could find my scanner to share an image of day one, but such is life...here is Indi at about 17 months...always a character!

Chatting on (what was then) the latest technology, the cell phone! ;)

Balboa Park at 2 1/4 (or close to that):

Warner Springs Fall 2002, looking at the horses with mama:

Indika Ballerina in early 2003...Ms. Vernetta Days.

Sydney Australia, Indika and Dad at the Victoria Mall (almost seven here):

At Sea World last month comforting brother Ry from the scary polar bear growl:

She is a jewel with a ready smile and HUGE heart. We are super blessed to call her daughter/sister. Happy Birthday Indika! We love you soooo much!
ps...check out more photos from the
Corvette Diner dinner...it was plain old greasy sugar-filled fun! What more could a ten-year old ask for? (rhetorical question;)
Happy birthday girl!
We hope Indi had a great day. Happy Birtdhay.
Great Images all around !! Man, I think I want my Birthday Party to be greasy and sugar-filled !!
P.S. Love the cell phone picture...so funny to see how they have evolved..I remember my first one was attached to a bag...and it was big !!
P.P.S Happy Birthday Indi.. 10, that's a big year girl !!
What a proud mama you must be! I don't know Indika too well, but from what I've seen she seems like a pretty special girl! I love the carseat photo with legs sprawled...funny how some parts of us just are who we are from the very beginning. Happy Birthday Indika!
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