June Birthdays:
Isabella- June 8th; Indika and Bella are only 3 months apart. Indi can't wait to see you on our next visit (probably this fall)!!

Cathy- June 9th; standing at the left, she is married to my big bro, Jim! And she is a wonderful chef!!

Cathy- June 9th; standing at the left, she is married to my big bro, Jim! And she is a wonderful chef!!
Jim- June 25th; I used to call him Superman; recently I keep seeing James Callis on the credits for Battle Star Galactica. Which, Jim, if you have not seen, you have to rent them now...it's a really great series!
July Birthdays:
Marcia- July 9th; sitting on the left--cracking up (her usual state of mind). Happy bday, Chia!!
Alicia- July 15th; Laying (usually with a book) with her son, Alfonz.
Alaina July 23rd; looking gorgeous in her sparkly make-up. This is a shot my sister sent of her getting ready for a dance. You're so grown up!!

Tony- July 25th; If I had the money I would by the new Iron Man action figure for you...he has a room full of them!
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