Sunday, July 20, 2008

JG Graduate!

JG Graduate!
Originally uploaded by magmack
Indika made it four weeks solid of Jr Lifeguard training. Friday was her graduation day. She even came away with a medal for "most inspirational"!

We are so proud of you, Indi!!

btw...after five days/week of 8:30am to 12pm beach time, you'd think she'd be tired of the sand and ocean, but she is a total beach bum and would love it we spent everyday at the beach for the rest of the summer.

I'm sure we will be make it to one of the many seasides in San Diego a few more times before summer's end (we are so spoiled).


Anonymous said...

yey Indi!

ma otter said...

you impress us ... you are a super cool beachy girl and if I could do 10 all over again I think I'd follow in your footsteps for a lifetime of ocean living...