Wednesday, April 11, 2007

TKD- Three times a week

Last October 2006, Indi reminded me (as she often does) that I had promised to sign her up for some form of martial arts after the summer laziness was over. So we looked at a few places and finally ended up at the World Tae Kwon Do Institute (sorry Lauren, no web site to link up) on Mission Gorge Rd. The crux of it was if you committed to bringing your child to this class 3x a week, you also had to join for a YEAR! Upon signing the next year of our lives away, I thought "if she doesn't like this...this will be brutal". As it turns out, Indika absolutely loves TKD and she is REALLY good at it too.This is an old picture with Indi as a white belt (beginner), since October she has worked really hard and has already achieved her purple belt (third belt in the series) and will be testing for her orange belt next Wednesday (Apr 18)...she has been uncertain about her abilities to pass previous tests, but referring to next week, she said..."I'm ready, mamma".

You go girl!

The other surprising side-effect to all the TKD is that Ry now pretends to practice his kicks, forms and he even BOWS to the flags at class and when playing he'll bow before kicking down a stack of blocks (or something requiring physical force). It's not surprising, however, that he is imitating his sister. He completely hero-worships Indika!


Lauren said...

Go Indi!

That photo of Ry is so fricken funny. Totally Ry!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical. I love it.