Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Traveling Pants

I had to take a picture of this to share the craziness of it. My 33rd b-day came and went while we were in Tahoe last summer (06). To celebrate, Shawn's mom, Joan took me shopping at a cute shop called Sassafras and proceeded to purchase several wonderful gifts for me, including a pair of pants which I absolutely love...they are lightweight cotton, baggy and drawstring. Great traveling pants!

One day, in what I have dubbed, the Remodel Shuffle (the continuous moving and rearrangement of boxes and stuff from room to room), i was relocating a box of sewing scraps and unfinished projects when I came across a pair of pants that I had completely invented a pattern for, but never finished the bottom hems or the drawstring. Have a look at this...

I was shocked to discover that they (the pants I "created") were almost exactly the same as the pants from Tahoe, even the same pattern on the material...hilarious! Thank you Joan for getting me into those pants a lot sooner than I would have if I had to finish that sewing project first. Maybe by the time I do get to set up my sewing machine (when this remodel is complete in 2020) and have a place for all my little "craft" stuff I will need a new pair of traveling pants and will be able to add the drawstring and final hems to my creation.


Shawn said...

I'd love to get into those pants!

Lauren said...

Shawn - you can get into one pair and Lydia can get in the other. It would be so cute to see you matching!

Love this post, love quirky blog posts.

daleth said...

Great...Good to know you have sewing projects! maybe we can share ideas in 2020.

Shawn said...

Sorry Lauren, the only matching thing I'm getting into is a Wiggles shirt. Please find out what color Eduardo likes..probably purple, cuz' that's Jeff...and Jeff is always falling asleep! I'm going for blue or red. Why isn't there a green?

Lauren said...

Eduardo is NOT Jeff. I think he should be the blue guy. You have to be the red guy - Don can be the yellow one. Maybe Jerome could be Jeff...

Anonymous said...

Don will not wear yellow, he looks terrible in yellow, and as you all know..he's very vain...ha ha ha.