Monday, May 21, 2007

Beautiful Ballet

Indika performing the Dance of the Merlitons on Saturday, May 19, 2007:

It was a short piece from the Nutcracker and she was AWESOME. It was very cute to catch her even counting to herself while she readied for the next part of the dance. At some point I will be able to post the short video we took, but that will come after I tear apart some boxes and find the software required to post...long story.

Anyway I also found some cute pics of when she was first introduced to ballet in Ms. Vernetta's class (May 2003). The pic of Indi and Aida cracks me up (also causes some nausea) cuz they were dressed all "Patriot Act" for some dance about Texas, still very cute:

Indi and I can both laugh now, cuz I was the evil mother who forced her to attend her ballet classes, but now she is so happy she went (as was the case after every class) because she performed on stage! And at her request she will continue her lessons over the summer...for those interested, she in in level 1 at the San Diego Civic Youth Ballet in Balboa Park.


Martihuerta said...

Cute Indi!

Anonymous said...

That was me...

Lauren said...

Look at those little girls!

The song was Texas something right?

Anonymous said...

A performance was the only thing that got Isabel to stay in ballet class last fall. You go Indi!! I wish we could have come...maybe next time when life seems more calm!

daleth said...

Deep in the heart of Texas!

lydiafdc said...

It was fun finding those old pics. L, I'll email you some more.

The theatre was completely packed probably cuz there was only one I tell all when she's in an actual show.

Anonymous said...

Where's the pic of the new fire bellied toad!!