Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Meet Spot

We attended Art Night at Indika's school last Thursday (May 24) and as always perused the area with all the beautiful auction items, mostly handmade by the kids in every class. I started our bidding on a Found Art piece entitled, "Pacific Beach" made by Indi's class, but then saw that they had a toad enclosure up for auction too.

I proceeded (to Shawn's horror) to bid on the toad. Indi waited with bated breath by the bid sheet and Caroline laughed as Indi updated Shawn on our likelihood of "winning" the toad.

The price went too high on the Found Art piece and as the countdown was made to close all bids, Indi let out a scream that "we got the toad"! Really, it was a total steal and he has now happily made a home for himself on top of Ry's dresser. The newest member of our family, Spot the fire-bellied toad:

Sunday we went on our first (of what will be many) trips to the pet store to get this little fella's choice menu...crickets. He has already munched down all but one of the ten placed in his lair on Sunday. The kids love him and even Shawn said he is much more dynamic than he imagined.


Anonymous said...

love it!!! Benjamin and Isabel will be very happy that they know some other fire bellied toad owners...Benjamin's Gecko is actually called spot..his toad is called...ummmm....can't remember! They keep it at Don's!!

Anonymous said...

sorry, Ben's toad is called Squirt...Spot meet Squirt!!