Friday, June 1, 2007

Weekend Warriors Wanted

WILL GIVE FOOD FOR WORK....I'll explain below:
We are embarking upon the last of the major additions to Villa Terrace. The final push will be to ready our backyard for actual use, by clearing it out and adding a wood deck...both big jobs.
We really began work on the house cuz of what you see below...this unusually (by SD standards) large and untamed backyard that was previously only accessible via a high, steep set of scary stairs (see left) down the side of the house.
When I say "we", I mean Shawn. Like everything else technical (and back-breaking) over the past 2 1/2 years, he will design and build the deck. He has been devouring "how to build deck" books, researching online, drafting plan after plan, pulling out banana plants (mostly dead anyway), moving tons of dirt, rotor-tilling the earth just outside the door....basically living and breathing this final project.

That's him (left) looking up at me sitting leisurely on the upper deck as he clears the way to say..."Ry's asleep, get down here and dig!"

Our Backyard it was just this past Monday (Jun 4)...

Shawn is all about adding some "sweat equity" to this wild territory, but would never ask for directions...oops, I mean "help". So that's where this blog comes into play...

Now that Shawn has cleared the way, designed the deck, and is working to dig all eight holes required for footings. Shawn will need help mixing and pouring cement into each of those footing holes that are to be used to set a bracket in place and ultimately hold the structural beams beneath the deck (see Shawn, I have been listening). CAN YOU HELP???

He plans to pour the cement this weekend (June 9-10). We will of course feed you and offer plenty of drinks (for thirst & mood) as payment for anytime you can give!! Kids welcome...even if you just want to sit with the kids and put me to work in the backyard...great...COME ON OVER!!

Here is the yard as of today (June 7)...

I am REALLY excited about this project (for several reasons), but mostly because unlike the priming of every slat on the upper deck, or water-proofing the downstairs cement wall with special paint, or learning how to hang backer board in the downstairs bathroom shower (the list goes on and on) it will be something Shawn can point to when our family and friends start enjoying it.


Lauren said...

We would totally help - but we are going to LA (as you know because you are taking care of the girl!) Sunday we are rushing back to be back in time for Aida's last soccer game and pizza party. (very convenient no?)

Seriously though- you picked a bad weekend!

daleth said...

Yes...Saturday after 3:00 and Sunday, if you decide to go with your original plan.
Pepe is included of course...seriously!

lydiafdc said...

Thanks and understanding about the timing...this in the midst of the end of the school year frenzy is a lot to ask.

We are going to go ahead and try anyway for Sunday...bright and early. Shawn will be busy with the prep tomorrow (Sat) so if you are able, plan for as early as you can on Sunday. Thank you, thank you, and namaste!

Anonymous said...

Inviting somebody to sweat the a%# out with the chances of breaking one's back is obviously not easy, however, i'll be very happy to help. I'll be there on Sun morning.

Anonymous said...

Go Pepe!!! I don't know if I would be of any help tomorrow am (as I'm not exactly a born labourer), however if you want me there..I'll be there (after my 5 mile run!!).

Anonymous said... Don signed up..where's my finder's fee..ha ha..see you Sunday am for the pouring party.