Monday, June 11, 2007

The Big Pour

One slab will forever have the initials of all the workers (& little Ry's footprints).

Thank you, gracias, salamat! Here are the eight footings poured yesterday...YAY!

Don was here even before Shawn was back with the second load of cement...then Pepe and finally Emil. Once Shawn returned the mixing, lifting, watering and pouring extravaganza began.

Daleth and Caroline kept me company (& the kids under control)...indoors.

...the Kid Party!!

I have to say it was a fairly exhausting day for all involved (beginning with a 7am trip to Henry's for supplies), but thoroughly fun and rewarding on many levels!


E'l Roy said...

WALANG anuman!
It was such a pleasure to help out and meet new friends (Shawn, Eduardo, and Lauren!). Plus, it's always great when I can bring Ren along somewhere where there are other children--especially if he knows them from school! Barring any out-of-town-ness, I'll be happy to help out more; there is a selfish motive, too--observing, absorbing, and learning for when I get all DIY-crazy!

lydiafdc said...

BTW...Shawn has torn out the one footing that he thought should have been dug out anyway and is re-pouring today. He was right it never dried correctly. and Ren are welcome over anytime!!

Lauren said...

The deck is going to be AWESOME!

Next time you guys need help we are there! Looked like you all were having a pretty fun time.

Anonymous said...

Friends, beer, pizza...ah...and work. Sounds like a Sunday weekend too me!