Monday, June 11, 2007

She Cooks!

I have to quickly blog the fact that Indika successfully endured her first night of cooking dinner yesterday. She came to me and said she was "bored" after the all day party was over. So, I decided to teach her the basics in home survival... "How to cook pasta" and "How to load a dishwasher". She's a fast learner!!

She even drained the pasta and loaded the soap tray in the dishwasher without incident...great job, girl!

It also turns out to be quite entertaining cuz of all the questions of "where does this go?", "how do I do this?" or "don't leave me here!" Very cute stuff!!


Anonymous said...

go indi!!

lydiafdc said...

I don't know why I didn't do this sooner...I think I thought it was faster to do it myself, but it's fun to have someone in the kitchen working with me and learning!!

Anonymous said...

I know..Isabel is always desperate to help, but then Benjamin wants to too..and it starts getting crazy. It's something that takes a little extra energy at the beginning and then it gives back ten fold...kind of like delegating at work!

Lauren said...

Caroline is so right! I need to be better at getting the kids to do stuff themselves.

Annie is the one who is awesome at this stuff. Mac does her own laundry! Major kudos.

daleth said...

Once I put them to work on something, I was surprised how many things they can do by themselves, even the 5 years olds. Now Bidane can put forks and glasses on the table so we can eat.