Thursday, June 21, 2007

Playing Hookey

Just cuz it worked out well for both my family and Lauren's; I decided not to have Indika attend school on Tuesday (the last half-day afterall was yesterday) and Aida & Pablo were already on summer instead, Indika, Ry, Pablo, Aida and I enjoyed a surprisingly very busy day at the SD Zoo... The semi-new monkey enclosures are beautiful!

Diggin out the Crocodile eggs....

Indi climbs on EVERYTHING so of course everyone had to join in the fun...the monkeys actually were drawn to these strange creatures climbing up on the rocks to see them.

Pablo and Ry checking out the "Pinks" (what Ry calls the Flamingos)...while Aida and Indi were practicing some independence chasing after the mamma duck and her duckling parade....

Yesterday was "Goodbye" to the SDCCS as we have known it across from Balboa Park...such a funky site, but we'll miss it all the same.


Anonymous said...

Great pics, great blog...yes, we will miss that odd site..won't we..wierd...Balboa Park so close, very hard to give up. Those pictures make the zoo look so inviting....your story the other night cracked me up!!! (about your park meeting!!). Hope your cold's getting better. See you SAturday.

daleth said...

Hey, next time you go to the zoo invite us!

lydiafdc said...

I am just going to send out an email invite when we decide to head out to the zoo, beach, let me know if you're interested in getting random (probably last minute) invites.

Daleth, Caroline, Lauren & Annie you are now on this list...

ma otter said...

god I love summer!!

Lauren said...

Great Photos! Thanks for taking the kiddos they had a awesome time!

daleth said...

Yeah! last minute things are my kind of things.