Friday, June 22, 2007

Red Streaked Green Belt

Friday was LOTS about Indi. We (me & Ry) spent two hours waiting for her to get her NEW red highlights...very cool!

Then (after we stopped by the house for the uniform) it was off to Tae Kwon Do, to watch for just under 1 & 1/2 hours while her (& about 12 other kids) performed various tasks to hopefully achieve their next belt level. It was amazing to watch Indi execute her kicks, sparring, form and 2 question quiz (she was forced to study ALL six q's).
I found my's one of the testing:
Anyway by the end of the day Indika had achieved Red Highlights, her Jr. Green Belt & broke through TWO boards with one kick. What a day!!


Anonymous said...

She looks really cute!

ma otter said...

Indie you rock!!!

Lauren said...

Wow! I didn't even know about the new belt! Go INDI!

I love the highlights. We are definitely approaching the "tween" years. Lets hope our girls fashion sense stays this cool and God forbid doesn't vier into Brittany Spears territory.