Saturday, July 21, 2007

Potter Craze

We made it to the Warwick's Harry Potter book release party last night, involving lots of caffeine and sugar for the kids to stay up WAY past bedtimes just to be one of the first to get our hands on the final adventures of Harry Potter.

Our house still has some catchin' up to do before we read number 7, but it was well worth it to experience the frenzy of all those who could not wait to read what would happen next!

Ironically, Indi and & Isabel got their books before their Harry Aficionado friends, Aida & Mac. Happy reading, everyone!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey ...Isabel is an aficiando too!! I have to say that, because she has read each Harry Potter book 3 times and has been dreaming about number 7 for months!! Harry Potter is a mania in our house!! and I love it!!!