Thursday, July 19, 2007


Shawn and I woke up this morning to a neighborhood full of barking dogs, including some distant sirens that seemed to be getting closer and closer. It being only 5:15am made all this seem very eerie. Shawn investigated and found that the vacant house next door was on FIRE. To add to the drama, the house had been tented for termites yesterday, so the firemen couldn't get in the house to be sure the fire was completely out until it was cleared by a fumigation expert.
Shawn dared me to get a picture of our community firemen for the blog and so I went out and offered these guys some coffee...they even posed for me.
Finally, it was all basically wrapped up by 10:30am...

Luckily, there didn't seem to be any damage beyond the attic next door and Indi even got fireman's autograph!


lydiafdc said...

Firemen are hot.

Amy said...

Brilliant Journalism !!! Glad it was not worse...

P.S. Nice thing to do..offer coffee to those Hot Fireman !! I am sure they appreciated it...

Anonymous said...

oh..ummm..yeh, I bet Shawn really had to drag you out there to make friends with our community firemen!! ha ha!! I recognize half of those guys, I think a bunch of them run at Morley Field and the other three saved Benjamin's life 5 years ago (I kid you not..)..every since then the hotness of firemen has increased in my mind 300 million fold (the life saving..not the running!).