Friday, July 6, 2007

Today's the day

Today is Shawn's bday and not only are we celebrating another year, but a new job for Shawn as well. He only has three more weeks at UCSD Extension and will start at the University of San Diego as of August 13th, 2007. Do the math on that and it means two weeks of vacation between jobs...glorious!

We're so proud of you DaDa!!I had BIG ideas about a slide show blog...but of course time got the best of me and you'll all have to settle for what would have been part of the slide show (to the right) on the Flickr badge.

Happy Birthday to the love of my life...xoxxx.


daleth said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Okay, the slide show made me tear up. "you've come a long way baby"!!! :) Happy Bday Shawn!!

Lauren said...

The slide show was awesome!

Amy said...

Happy Belated Birthday Shawn !!!

Great slide the Michigan Winter Cameo's !!