Friday, December 12, 2008

Babysitting Holiday Style

So our family coops babysitting with three other families every month which amounts to lots of really cool side effects. Not only do we get to have our kids taken care of by good friends, but because this is an every weekend occurrence, all these kids are more like cousins than simply friends. We babysat on Dec 6th and we had just gotten out tree for Christmas so the kids helped decorate it, make new ornaments (from Micheal's) and ice the sugar cookies.
This event was not without its hiccups, but it was still lots of fun!
Even Strande got in on the decorating in the end and discovered he's quite the cookie artist!

We ended up with glitter glue and sprinkles pretty much everywhere, but also some lovely and "original" cookies and ornaments:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fab pics...glad to see you recorded the event..yes..they are more like cousins!