Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm it...(finally)!

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. {or less if I already tagged pretty much every blog you know!}
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

ok...I haven't been avoiding this. Truth be told when Lauren tagged me I had every intention of getting it out there, but because I didn't put it on a didn't get done. This brings me to...

No 1: I make lists for EVERYTHING! Whether it's groceries, parties, things that have to get done that week/day...whatevah...I have a list for it.
No 2: I come from a family of NINE children. I am number eight and I have four brothers and four sisters. Let's just say I was allowed to be pretty wild and unchecked as a child...this probably contributes to the (as has been said) long leash given to my kids.
No 3: I was a cheerleader in high school. Yes rah, rah and all chant that still haunts my thoughts at times..."Rock on Reds to the right, to the right, etc."...this brings Shawn immeasurable joy for a couple of reasons. Just goes to show ya what a small (although massive) suburb I come from. I really just wanted to be a gymnast, instead I got a short skirt and a coach that often gave me side glaring looks for "not contributing my all".
No 4: I constantly re-arrange things in my life. I can only come to the conclusion that I cannot handle static/too much routine. From furniture to varying routes to and from school or the grocery store...I am always exploring a "new way". I have to kids are fascinated by an old room looking like new when the couch is turned at yet another angle by mom.
No 5: From the ages of four to eight or nine, I would have waking dreams, scaring my siblings with their severity at times. I would sleep walk/talk with my eyes open. Wake-up and the dreams would carry on in my head. I only remember this vaguely now and I also remember when they just stopped. Funnily enough, both my kids talk in their sleep.
No 6: Ry was a difficult baby to birth. After several hours since my water had broken no contractions had the lovely mid-wives thought perhaps Castor Oil would give Ry that kick-start he needed. Nothing happened until they moved us from our private and large birthing room to the hallway closet (seriously smaller room) with a shared bathroom. The bathroom part is important because that is where I spent the next half an hour conducting my own private orchestra...the oil did nothing for the contractions.
No 7: In keeping with the foot theme I've read in many of the taggees' posts, the second toe on my right foot is disproportionately longer than the rest and this phenomenon is only on my right foot.

As for tagging: I am left only with our friends Ruth & Mark to tag while on their Amazing Trip Around the World. And because I know he has a few, the self-deputized Japa Mala poster...Shawn (formerly Noggin Log).


E'l Roy said...

Hey, I was a cheerleader, too! (That probably doesn't surprise the guys who've read about my Secret Boyfriend.) I can't believe I didn't include that on my list!

ma otter said...

love all of it!!!

Anonymous said...

I like this game!

Lauren said...

I love it too - I have to say Lydia after almost 9 years of friendship I pretty much knew all those weird things about you - I am honored.

Shawn... 7 weird things? no way.

Lauren said...

I just noticed your banner - it is awesome!

Anonymous said...

yeah...I can't imagine where Shawn is going to find 7 weird things about's going to be so hard for him.

Amy said...

Great list, I love that you were a cheerleader...kind of like me trying to be in a Soroity in College...(I didn't ever go through with it), anyhow, knowing the suburb you grew up in...I totally understand what it must have been like..

Love that you is so healing and freeing to do that..makes life better..

Thanks for sharing...

daleth said...

I did read your list before, but for some reason didn't post comment.
Cheerleader! wow!, do you recommend it?

IncogKnito said...

This is the first time I'm reading your blog. I came across it by way of Poppy Heart's blog. I know exactly what number 5 is on your list. They are called night terrors. I had them as a child, too. Look it up on wikipedia and I think you'll be amazed at the similarities.