Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thanks (albeit late) for a great day!

We were too fast to sit and enjoy dinner and so I cannot share what a beautiful turkey Shawn roasted on the bbq...but you know it's good when this is what's left...
I was also stunned by the aftermath of cooking what amounts to meat and potatoes....every nook and cranny of the counter top was covered by pans, bowls or splattered remains.
But in the end, it was worth it! Grandma Joan, Grandpa Allan, Grandma Lile, Scott, Kim, Kevin and Gabe joined in and made overeating another one to remember!

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

(Where's Indi?? She finished her meal before I even sat down...let alone got the camera out...I swear she was there too)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pics...look at Ry and his little table mate...cute!