Tuesday, April 10, 2007

6 months late...on my blog, imagine that??

Ry's 1st Birthday and Annie's "Surprise" Baby Shower!!
One of the reason's for starting a family blog is to get all those cute pics out there, especially when we are celebrating some event. When I was browsing through blogdom today, I saw that Annie had noted Silas's 1/2 birthday and it reminded me that I have wanted to share these photos with everyone for what feels like forever...enjoy!

At the time, almost parents again...Matt and Annie in front of the beautiful cake that Lauren brought. Notice a pregnant Mary-Pierre in the background too...her baby boy is already here too!

Ry just started showing his curly-locks for his first birthday.

There were lots of gifts in the form of books...perfect for this little man...he has loved books since nine-months old.

And of course the girls sang there version of "Hot Potatoes", by the Wiggles called "Little Ry Guy". Little did we all know at the time how much we would hear the Wiggles and their Hot Potato song over the coming several months...Ry loves the "Diggles" (that's how he says Wiggles).


Anonymous said...

So great to see those pictures...it already seems so long ago!

Lauren said...

Wow Ry looks so much older already!

ma otter said...

surprising to see Matt and I snuggling all pregnant on your blog. That day seems really long ago now...and Ry is just so cute, always!! Thanks for reminding me!
Still no pottery, I am losing my creative mind...I painted a mural of a tree on my garage door and Matt is gonna freak/laugh so hard when he gets back from camping...
see you soon