Saturday, June 9, 2007

Warrior Update

Just to keep you volunteers up to speed and to do my part towards getting the deck built. Here is Shawn bringing in all of the supplies for the big pour tomorrow...including your very own goggles and gloves as parting gifts for playing.

Here are the eight holes to be filled. Shawn has forms set in three...only five to go! This is the tedious part (according to my never say die husband)...he will take a break at 3pm to pick up the cement mixer...amazing!

Thanks again if you end up helping out tomorrow and no worries if life is too busy! Is Lefty's Pizza a problem for anyone??


Anonymous said...

Who knew that you were also signing up for a full on day of kids and non-stop snackin'..hope it was worth it!! :)

E'l Roy said...

OH man! I left my party-favours on the counter; s'ok, they'll be there for when I help out for the next pouring! I had a great time today, really. I can't wait to enjoy the fruits of Shawn's labour!

lydiafdc said...

All I can say is, I should have made LOTS more popcorn...all the snacking was totally worth was nice to have friends over inside and out just having a day of it!

lydiafdc said...

ps Thanks again and again!!